Thursday, July 2, 2009

What I Read (6)

Date: October 31, 2005
Title: Einstein’s Clocks, Poincare’s Maps: Empires of Time Author: Peter Galison
Thoughts: It’s amazing how many things, ideas, philosophy, technology, science, can come together within people to revolutionize our understanding of the world.

Date: November 2, 2005
Title: How We Got Here
Author: Andy Kessler
Thoughts: Tongue in cheek. Readable. Interesting.

Date: November 16, 2005
Title: Sea of Glory Author: Nathaniel Philbrook
Thoughts: A great adventure turned cautionary tale. Wilkes certainly had determination, perseverance and dedication. He lacked character, integrity and patience. With what he had he accomplished something great, and by sad display of what he lacked he denied himself the fame he sought.

Date: December 4, 2005
Title: The Power of Positive Thinking Author: Norman Vincent Peale
Thoughts: I’m going to improve my thinking and keep at it. I’m going to do what it takes to have the good life I desire.

Date: January 1, 2006
Title: Simple Pictures Are Best
Author: Nancy Willard, illustrations by Tomie De Paola
Thoughts: Possibly my favorite book. It has influence me more than any book except the Bible. I am a firm believer in simplicity.

My parents got me a copy as a child and I’ve always remembered it.

Date: January 3, 2006
Title: The Millionaire Maker Author: Loral Langemeier
Thoughts: I’m looking forward to being a millionaire. Even more, I’m looking forward to financial freedom.

Date: January 10, 2006
Title: IBM and the Holocaust
Author: Edwin Black
Thoughts: Heavenly Father, keep me always aware of the eternal value of righteousness and justice.

Date: January 16, 2006
Title: No More Christian Nice Guy Author: Paul Coughlin
Thoughts: “God is an odds-breaker—He loves that game, and when you flex even a small amount of faith, he’ll open doors for you” (quote from the book).

Date: January 16, 2006
Title: Starting from Scratch
Author: Wes Moss
Thoughts: I’m starting a successful business, too.

Other parts of What I Read:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5


  1. Keenan; I was checking out ur reading list & found No More Christian Nice Guy an interesting one (maybe). Have u read it urself? I'm always looking for good reading material, especially in the areas of nonfiction & religion. Blessing to u! Barb

  2. Thanks for commenting on my review of No More Christian Nice Guy. I read this book a few years ago and recall that I was favorably impressed. I remember copying several quotes that I found interesting or encouraging into my journal.

    The premise of the book is that Christian men feel they have to be "nice" and are encouraged in this by their churches. Unfortunately, this niceness is superficial, weak, unbiblical, driving men crazy and leaving them susceptible to sin with no place to turn for honest help. The alternative is to be good, i.e. to have a strong, Christ-like character with support from family and church. Jesus was perfectly good, strong and kind--literally the model of manhood--but he was not nice.

    I would recommend the book to Christian men who feel a little unbalanced by competing models of manliness. It might be a good read for wives and mothers who want to see what the men in their lives are struggling against and striving for.

    I'd like to read this book again. If I do, I'll post a longer review at Keenan's Book Reviews.
