Monday, February 8, 2010

Attitude is Everything by Jeff Keller

Keller, Jeff. Attitude is Everything: Change Your Attitude…and Change Your Life. Tampa, FL: INTI, 1999.

In Keller’s book, you will find much of what you will find in many similar self-help books. (Perhaps I have read too many.) Attitude is Everything is superior to some others in its genre in that it is short and the author’s enthusiasm for the subject comes through.

The book is laid out in three parts concerning thinking, saying and doing. Each chapter is an essay on a topic relating one of these subjects.

It all starts with thinking. Success or failure begins in the mind because our thinking affects everything we do. Today some seem to have the idea from books like The Secret that it is all about thinking. Keller encourages his readers to be realistic as well as positive. He writes, “Success requires effort, commitment and patience.”

What we say and what we think are closely related. Keller wants us to be positive in our speech because what we say, along with our thoughts, sets us up to act in ways that lead to success or not. Even our answer to the question “How are you?” can affect our outlook and wellbeing.

The part I like most about the book is that it gives attention to the necessity of action. The advice in one of the action chapters, entitled “Networking That Gets Results,” is worth reading and using. I get more business from referrals than any other sources. I value my network more than any other marketing took because it works best for me. This is not about mercenary networking; I hope I can be a good friend to my friends and as helpful to my associates as they have been to me. Keller offers good advice on building and using your network.

If you’re interested in this book, you may also be interested in
The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership Tested by Time by James L. Garlow
The Difference Maker by John C. Maxwell
Don’t Grow Old—Grow Up! by Dorothy Carnegie
Winning with People by John C. Maxwell

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